wenqiu1989 2018/3/28 更新 13390 浏览
特性描述Feature description
"本系列为燃烧器下置式烟火管锅炉,燃料经燃烧器雾化后在炉胆内微正压燃烧,高温烟气在炉胆内进行辐射换热后进入烟火管对流换热后经上烟箱排出。本系统炉型采用计算机辅助设计,优化了各受热面,使炉体结构更加合理;锅炉采用高级离心玻璃棉保温,进口彩板外包装;配备原装进口燃烧器,全自动程序化控制。This series are combustor underneath type smoke and fire tube boiler. Fuel carries out micro-positive pressure combustion after pulverization by combustor and high temperature smoke enters into smoke and fire tube for heat convection after radiation heat exchange in the furnace pipe, and then emits from the upper smoke chamber. This system furnace type adopts computer aided design, optimizing each heating area, to make furnace body more reasonable; boiler adopts advanced centrifugal glass cotton heat preservation, packaged by imported color plate; equip with imported with original packaging combustor, full-automatic sequencing control. "
主要特点Major characteristics
1.不锈钢或碳钢镀锌材质,确保炉胆永不生锈,并达到国家饮用水卫生标准。 Stainless steel or carbon steel galvanized material ensures furnace pipe won’t rust permanently and comply with national sanitary standard for drinking water.
"2.炉体具有超高强度及超长寿命,每一炉体均通过水压试验,保证强度及防漏。 Furnace body has super high strength and super long service life. Each furnace body has passed water pressure test, to ensure its strength and leakage prevention. "
"3.选用国标锅炉管,布置合理,换热面积大,热效率高,采用管板自动焊,绝对保证焊缝质量。Select national standard boiler tube, arranged reasonably, large heat exchange area and high heat efficiency. Adopt tube plate automatic welding, and absolutely ensure weld quality. "
"4.体积小,重量轻,占地面积小,安装运输方便。 Small volume, light weight, small area and convenient installation and transport."
"5.结构紧凑合理,维护极为方便,热效率高。 Structure is compacted and reasonable, maintenance is very convenient and heat efficiency is high."
"6.自动化程度高,易于操作。 High automation, easy to operate."
"7.锅炉按常压炉设计,运行安全可靠。 Boiler is design in accordance with atmospheric pressure, and its running is safe and reliable."
"8.烟管内设有不锈钢扰流片,减缓燃烧烟气速度,加强换热,保证燃烧产生的热量最大程度地传导到水中。 Equip with stainless spoiler in the flue pipe, reduce combustion smoke speed, and strengthen heat exchange, to ensure the furthest heat produced by combustion is transferred into water."
9.本体配有玻璃管式水位计,锅炉水位一目了然。 Equip with glass tube type fluviograph for the body and boiler water level can be seen as plain as print.
"10.锅壳炉胆大夹层水套,锅炉水容量大,可提供充足的开水。 Shell furnace pipe large intermediate water jacket, large boiler water capacity, provide sufficient boiling water."
产品用途 Product use
"为宾馆、学校、企事业单位提供饮用开水 Provide drinking boiling water for hotel, school, enterprise and public institution."